
Families & Climate Change: Int’l Day of the Families

Families serve as the bedrock of society, shaping values, beliefs, and behaviours that ripple through generations. In the face of escalating climate challenges, the role of families in fostering environmental stewardship is paramount. On the 18th of May 2024, our Head of Operations, Ose Okundalaye, had the privilege of attending an event hosted by the Women’s Board-ECS, commemorating the United Nations’ 30th year International Day of the Family. The event provided a platform to delve into the intricate relationship between families and climate change, sparking insightful discussions and fostering collaborative action.

Event Recap

Mrs. Angela Da-Silva, in her welcome address, underscored the transformative work of Women’s Board-ECS in empowering women and communities across West Africa. From championing girl-child and women empowerment initiatives to facilitating the reintegration of returnee migrants through skill development programs, the organization exemplifies a holistic approach to sustainable development. Notably, the establishment of West Africa’s largest Hospitality Management Institution signals a paradigm shift towards nurturing a skilled workforce capable of driving innovation and sustainability in the region.

Youth Contributions to Climate Action

The youth, represented by the Silver Spring, Ripples, and Wavecrest Clubs, demonstrated remarkable zeal and creativity in addressing climate change. Through captivating presentations encompassing plays, poems, spoken words, and paintings, they portrayed the urgency of environmental conservation with unparalleled fervour. Their message transcended mere awareness-raising; it ignited a call to action, inspiring peers and elders alike to embrace sustainable living practices. Indeed, engaging youth in environmental advocacy is not merely a token gesture but a strategic imperative in cultivating a culture of sustainability for future generations.

Keynote Speech: Families and Climate Change

Ms. Senami Anko, drawing from her expertise in Environmental Chemistry, delivered a compelling keynote speech elucidating the symbiotic relationship between families and environmental sustainability. She articulated how family dynamics, from consumption patterns to waste management practices, influence the ecological footprint of households. Moreover, she emphasized the pivotal role of parents in shaping their children’s attitudes towards nature and resource conservation. Her message resonated with the audience, igniting introspection and spurring a collective commitment to adopt eco-friendly behaviours in everyday life.

Partnerships for Climate Action

The event served as a testament to the power of partnerships in driving meaningful change. The presence of esteemed partners like the Forum For African Women Educationalist (FAWENg) Chapter underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in tackling complex environmental challenges. By pooling resources, expertise, and networks, these partnerships amplify the impact of individual initiatives, fostering synergies that transcend organizational boundaries.


The event served as a testament to the power of partnerships in driving meaningful change. The presence of esteemed partners like the Forum For African Women Educationalist (FAWENg) Chapter underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in tackling complex environmental challenges. By pooling resources, expertise, and networks, these partnerships amplify the impact of individual initiatives, fostering synergies that transcend organizational boundaries.

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