
Pre-COP29 Stakeholders Hangout in Abuja: A Crucial Gathering for Climate Communication in Nigeria

Ahead of COP29, one of the most significant global climate events, a critical pre-conference gathering is set to take place in Abuja on October 12, 2024. Hosted by SustyVibes in partnership with the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID), the Pre-COP29 Stakeholders’ Hangout will bring together key figures from the media, civil society organizations (CSOs), policymakers, and climate advocates. This event seeks to foster collaboration and enhance Nigeria’s climate communication strategies ahead of the global conference.

Amplifying Nigerian Voices in Global Climate Conversations

As Nigeria steps up its climate leadership, particularly in the run-up to COP29, this event is a pivotal moment for shaping how the nation’s climate priorities are communicated. COP29, themed “In Solidarity for a Green World,” underscores the urgency of global cooperation in tackling climate change, making it essential for Nigerian journalists and advocates to align their efforts with this goal.

The Pre-COP29 Stakeholders’ Hangout provides an invaluable opportunity for climate stakeholders to strategize on amplifying national climate narratives that resonate both locally and globally. With global climate negotiations intensifying, Nigeria must ensure its perspectives, particularly on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and climate finance, are effectively communicated.

Focus on Climate Finance and Communication

One of the key discussions at the Hangout will focus on climate finance, a critical aspect of climate action. The theme of COP29, “Enhance Ambition and Enabling Action,” emphasizes the need for countries like Nigeria to scale up financial contributions and support towards meeting their climate goals. This session will provide a platform for in-depth dialogues on how Nigeria can navigate the challenges of climate financing, as well as how to communicate these issues to the public effectively.

Hannah Omokhaye, Project Manager at SustyVibes, underscores the importance of this event: “This hangout will offer a unique space for Nigerian media and climate stakeholders to connect and collaborate. By amplifying our nation’s stories and voices, we ensure that our climate priorities are heard loud and clear at COP29.”

A Collaborative Effort for Effective Climate Action

In addition to climate finance, the event will explore the role of media in shaping climate narratives. Journalists are at the forefront of driving public awareness and engagement, but their efforts must be strategically aligned with national and international climate goals. Through interactive sessions, participants will explore how to enhance storytelling around climate issues, engage the public, and influence policy through impactful media campaigns.

Moreover, this gathering will feature expert-led discussions on policy alignment, public engagement, and collaborative climate action. These conversations are essential to ensure that Nigeria’s climate policies are not only in line with global ambitions but also responsive to the unique challenges facing the country.

Building the Foundations for Future Climate Advocacy

Ultimately, the Pre-COP29 Stakeholders’ Hangout is more than just a prelude to COP29; it’s a step toward strengthening Nigeria’s climate advocacy framework. By fostering dialogue between journalists, CSOs, and policy experts, the event promises to lay the groundwork for sustained, effective communication and action.

As Nigeria positions itself on the global climate stage, events like this one are crucial in ensuring that our country’s climate story is not only told but heard—and acted upon. The event will help Nigeria take a significant leap toward achieving its climate goals and contributing meaningfully to global climate solutions.

Stay tuned for more updates as we move closer to October 12, where the future of Nigeria’s climate communication will be shaped in Abuja.

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