
Gender Inequality is Worldwide – Infograph by IWDA

I receive newsletters from the International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) an Austrialian based NGO supporting women suffering from poverty and oppression worldwide.

Below is an infograph and excerpts from thenewsletter they shared with us this morning which struck a cord in my heart.

Gender Inequality

“Right now in 2016, there is still not one country on earth where women are free of violence, exploitation and discrimination.

Women make up 51% of the global population; yet women are consistently paid less than men for the same work – if at all. And they are greatly outnumbered in all levels of decision-making, from the household right through to national parliaments. Far too many women are survivors of sexual assault and violence. The journey to equality is far from over. You can be part of a movement towards a world where women are safe, paid and their voices are heard. We are all still striving for equality. Help spread the word.”

How relatable are these facts? Especially in Nigeria, where rights of women are being trampled upon from the households to the senate houses, rape and gender based violence are almost normal tales for us these days and more and more women are suffering even in this age of global development.

It is appalling how people attack feminism on basis of culture or religion, I just do not get how you would prefer to silence and torture a human being because of gender, and I never would.


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