We are launching this column to discuss Sustainable buildings we find in Nigeria, seeing that this a topic almost no one gets to talk about, we are excited to be pioneers!
A sustainable building would be one that completely has the environment at heart with its features, it would be one that uses innovative technology to conserve natural resources. If you are thinking about where we can find such buildings then follow this column diligently, we’ve got this!
A few weeks ago, Jennifer and I visited Heritage Place in Ikoyi, we were thrilled to have received an official tour of the entire building with state of the art technology that make sustainability look super awesome!! Please read our report of this tour below:

“ As the first commercial building to achieve LEED certification in both design and construction, Heritage Place applies cutting edge technology to fulfill not just today’s environmental expectations, but tomorrows too. ”
– The Heritage Team
Almost from anywhere along Alfred Rewane (Kingsway Road, Ikoyi) as one drives or walks up that street, a massive rectilinear Modernist building which is located along Lugard Avenue, Ikoyi is easily identified. The façade of the edifice (which comprises of alternating composite cladding and high quality Low- E double glazing on the upper floors with hollows substituting the floor to ceiling windows on the first five floors [which forms the multi storey parking]) is really some site to behold!
From first glance, you can already conclude that there is something associated with this building aside its stunning facade, and that guess would certainly be correct!

The Heritage Place prides itself to be the first Commercial Building in Nigeria to achieve the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification in both design and construction.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is an initiative of the non-profit U. S. Green Building Council (USGBC). It includes a method of rating system for different building types around the world with the aim of helping owners and operators be environmentally responsible and use resources efficiently.

A Walkthrough
Entry into the site of the Heritage Building is from Lugard Avenue. It provides a prestigious drop off point for visitors from which the 5 level multi story parking could be accessed.
Walking into the reception, the use of wood has been creatively employed to the ceilings as one advances to the elevator lobby to give a sustainably pleasing experience. The rentable meeting rooms are also located on the ground floor beside the reception. It possesses a folding door to allow for expansion of meeting space whenever desired.

The cafeteria which is serviced by a dry kitchen can be found on the opposite side of the meeting area (just after the reception). Its floor to ceiling glazing provides vista of the outdoor. An outdoor eating area has also been provided to improve that experience. Mechanical services such as the Generator House is also on the ground floor but zoned away from the public areas. Other mechanical facilities such as HVAC plants are located on the roof level.
The general planning of the facility is such that the service core is centrally placed. It comprises of 6 passenger lifts, one goods lift together, an escape stair, storage and office spaces for the Facility Mangers. The centrally placed core provides the advantage of having all office space with the luxury of having a view of the outdoor.
Almost all the floors are typical (in terms of width). The natural light flowing that is allowed through the alternating double Glazed Low-E floor to ceiling opening reduce need for artificial lighting during the day. Over 15,000 sqm office space has been spread almost equally across 8 floors with each floor of office space having about 1800-1900 sqm in area.

Susty features
- Automatic presence detectors and high-efficiency lighting reduce and resupply energy when and where it is needed.
- The building’s orientation maximizes natural light and ventilation, and minimizes solar exposure, reducing the energy requirements for cooling, heating and air quality systems
- High efficiency glazing and external thermal envelope also reduce demand on cooling requirements
- First LEED Certified Commercial Building in Nigeria
- LEED certified for both design and construction
- Between 30–40% reduction in energy use (compared to common practice building in Lagos)
- Use of natural light and natural ventilation (mixed mode) to minimize energy demand
- Sun pattern driven building orientation to minimize solar exposure and energy requirements for cooling
- Automatic presence detectors/ sensors and high efficiency lighting
- High level of indoor air quality and occupants’ thermal and visual comfort increased by ventilation rates, quality of materials and views out
- Heat recovery through centralized fresh air supply system (cooling)
- Potable water demand minimized though rain water harvesting and condensate recovery from cooling units.
- Storm water attenuation to accommodate a one in twenty year storm
- Attenuation tank proposed to limit discharge/flow rates of foul and storm water to the local sewers in Lugard Road.
Beautiful building in and out and green too! Heritage place Ikoyi takes the standards really high and show that sustainability in real estate is feasible in Nigeria, we totally love the concept.