The Centre for Public Policy Alternatives (CPPA), as part of its IDRC Stakeholder analysis for the GrOW Project, held a Forum attended by a broad set of participants, ranging from Government functionaries, to Civil Society leaders and Entrepreneurs.
The Forum’s Opening Remarks was given by Ms. J. Oyegun (Former Chief Diversity Officer- World Bank) and Keynote Address was delivered by Ms. V. Ohaeri (Executive Director-Spaces4Change Nigeria) on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. This set the platform from which analysis and discussions then followed. To further capture relevant issues, challenges and factors affecting economic growth for women, the forum was divided into three sessions:

- Policy Options on Women Economic Empowerment
Ms. A. Taiwo:-Director for Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Wealth Creation and Employment, Lagos
Dr. F. N’Zue:-Director, Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Research, Economic Policy Analysis Unit, ECOWAS, Abuja; and
Ms. F. Adesope:-Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Lagos. - How Civil Society (NGOs and BMOs) Can Better Promote Women Empowerment
Dr. Jumoke Akiode:- Executive Director-Center for Ethics and SustainableDevelopment, Lagos
Ms. Lovelyn Edun:- Executive Producer of “LovelynClair Show” and Founder of the LovelynClair Foundation, Abuja
Ms. Onajite Reghe:- Executive Secretary & Chief Executive Officer- Electronic Payment Providers Association of Nigeria, Lagos. - Panel-Entrepreneurship and Women Economic Empowerment
Mr. A. Alfred:- Co-Founder- Jaraja E-Commerce Limited
Ms. O. Oniyitan:- Founder and CEO-W- Holistic Business Solutions, Lagos
Ms. H. Sodeinde:- Founder and Proprietor-Hauk Explorers Schools
Ms. S. Fashina, Iyaloja:- Tinubu Square Market, Lagos.Dr Jumoke Akiode in one of the Panel Sessions Chief Rapporteur’s Summary
The challenge of Women’s economic empowerment touches all aspects of life and consists of various factors that positively, negatively and neutrally affect this system. Government initiatives require communication and feedback from the Public on impact and effectiveness of programmes and policies. However, policy and rule making must come from evidence based investigation. In pursuance of Women’s empowerment, attention must be given to improve the working relationship between Public, and Private sectors of society; largely made of women. The agents of socialization (Family, School and Society) need to consciously ensure the right kinds of values are transmitted to children, especially females which includes supporting and encouraging education at all levels. Financial Institutions, though constrained, require restructuring and flexibility to encourage growth and economic advancement of women.
Child Rights Activist Hamidat Cherish Hamida also gave an incredible speech on girl-child empowerment.