
Opinion: The Paris Accord is bigger than Donald Trump and his idiosyncrasies

After weeks of waffling and reality show–style of intrigue and suspense, created by President Donald Trump over his eccentric decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement, Trump took the world by storm on this.

I have been in a deeply pensive mood (sad and slightly depressed) after the news broke that the United State of America will be backing out of the Paris agreement. With wild bewilderment, I watched on CNN as President Trump with daunted clairvoyant confidence made this unimagined announcement and I saw some people clapping their hands with joy raining in their heart.

U.S President Donald Trump

I respect Trump for always being blunt and decisive, but he got it all wrong here: “This agreement is less about the climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States,” – Donald Trump.

Of course, none of this is true.

Climate change is not of any sort of science fiction is written to win the noble prize it is either a UFO (unidentified flying objects) flying across the white house.

Climate change is real. It ember cuts across the current Melting ice and a warming ocean means more water and a rising sea level. Though the global sea level is also affected by short-term climate phenomena and geographic factors, it is closely linked to temperature. Sea levels rose consistently throughout the 20th century, leaving coastal regions more vulnerable to flooding, storm surges, and salt water seeping into freshwater aquifers and affecting plant and animal habitats.

What Is The Paris Accord?
It is a grand agreement where countries agreed with one voice to sign on to be a part of the pact agreed to limit the century’s global average temperature increase to no more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above the levels from the years 1850-1900 (the pre-industrial era). The agreement also states a more rigid goal of limiting temperature increases to only 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial era levels.

Responsibility and Terms
Participating nations made a historic pact on Dec. 12, 2015, in Paris, France, to adopt green energy sources, cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and limit the rise in global temperatures (as mentioned in the overall mission).

Under the agreement, every country has an individual plan (or “Nationally Determined Contributions”) to tackle its greenhouse gas emissions.

For example, under the Obama administration, the country vowed to cut its emissions by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2025.

The U.S. also pledged $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund which helps developing countries adapt and mitigate practices to fight climate change. The overall agreement asks developed countries to provide $100 billion to the fund.

How Many Nations Are Part Of The Accord?
As of May 2017, of the 196 negotiating countries that signed the agreement, 147 parties have ratified it.
One hundred and ninety-six nations committed to the climate deal in 2015 and the nations had a deadline of April 21, 2017, to make it official.

Syria and Nicaragua were the only two countries that did not initially agree to the pact. It is saddening to see the United States joins that list

According to The Independent, the Russian government said it fully supports the agreement, but added its goals would be less effective without the participation of major countries.

How Would U.S. Withdrawal Affect The Country And Global Efforts Against Climate Change?
According to the New York Times, a U.S. withdrawal could “seriously weaken global efforts to avoid drastic climate change.”

Instead of cutting emissions to 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025 (the nation’s original pledge under the Obama administration), an analysis by Rhodium Group estimated that emissions would fall just 15 to 19 percent below 2005 levels.

“President Trump’s decision to quit the Paris Agreement and slash US funding for the GREEN CLIMATE FUND weakens the already frayed bonds of trust between developed and developing countries. It places an enormous burden on other industrialised countries to mobilise the $100 billion per year promised to support climate action in developing countries. We call on countries, states, investors, and businesses around the world to mobilise investment in the green economy and create a sustainable future for all’’ – GRO HARLEM BRUNDTLAND, former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change.

Why Did Syria And Nicaragua Back Out?
Syria and Nicaragua were not part of the agreement in the first place. It certainly isn’t because they don’t believe climate change is occurring or are not affected by it.

In the case of Nicaragua, the argument actually went the other way. As world leaders gathered in the French capital in November 2015 to reach an agreement on fighting climate change, Nicaragua’s lead envoy explained to reporters that the country would not support the agreed-upon plan as it hinged on voluntary pledges and would not punish those who failed to meet them. That was simply not enough, Paul Oquist argued:

“We don’t want to be an accomplice to taking the world to 3 to 4 degrees and the death and destruction that represents.”

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, said rich countries should pay more for climate change, as they were historically responsible for causing more damage to the environment and developing nations such as his own would be the worst hit.

Syria, on the other hand, was effectively an international pariah when the Paris accord was first signed, making Damascus’s involvement at the least impractical. (Members of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government remain subject to both European and American sanctions, making it nearly impossible for them to travel unless two friendly countries such as Russia and Iran.)

Why will the US belong to this category?

Trump’s misdeed
Mary Robinson, Elder and former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change, said:

The US reneging on its commitment to the Paris Agreement renders it a rogue state on the international stage. But the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement will not stop climate action in the United States. At the state level, in cities, in businesses and communities around the country, the move away from fossil fuels is well underway.

We encourage all actors in the US working to tackle climate change to stand their ground, share the benefits of their work and to keep making their voices heard.”

The truth is: Loony notions won’t stop the ripple-effect of global warming on the globe even in the United States of America unless she is now a country in Mars.

Every leader anywhere in the world has a record which contains deeds and misdeeds of the leader in question and for me, this shrift decision won’t be forgotten in a hurry.

Viewed from whatever standpoint, what is wrong is wrong!