
Diary of a SustyViber – Ijeoma Odukwe

In October 2016, I unexpectedly had more time on my hands than I wanted. Luckily I was still sane enough to think about what to do with the time. I decided to enroll again in a Masters program in Environmental Management, I think I had a plan this time! I started in January 2017 and I was super excited to be learning and soaking up information. Fast forward to July 2017, I had no practical experience, knew no one in the sector, I couldn’t be challenged beyond passing my exams… I wanted more. To be honest, connecting with challenges wakes your mind up to solutions!

Surfing the net and just looking for solutions to common environmental problems (this was around the flooding in Lagos), I stumbled on SustyVibes and a certain young red-haired lady advocating for the environment (You have to understand I think of myself as very old but you aren’t allowed to tell me that). I read up about their work and I think, perhaps this is a good fit for me. I applied and got accepted, soon after induction day- the caliber of people, the conversations but yet the relaxed and respectful atmosphere- I was looking forward to the next meeting. I was sure I had made a good decision. One problem though – I hate WhatsApp groups! Primarily because a lot of the times people never stick to the rules and also because I hate that the buttons on the pad make it a nightmare to type epistles, but this is me and SustyVibes was planning, teaching, leading virtually! Ijeoma!!!!

So there’s an event SustyVibes is invited as a partner in Education for Sustainable Development and I send a private message that I’d like to attend. To this day, I still don’t know how I ended that conversation agreeing to make a presentation! But I was kind of happy to have an assignment. Excitedly, I delve into the online world of ESD and I’m surprised at the sheer amount of information already available! I take a course or 2 by the World’s Largest Lesson and Teach SDGs and Wow! I think I like teaching the SDGs but could it be because I was a nwa Teacher (my mum has taught secondary school students for almost 30 years) and perhaps I was continuing in her stead? Or was it the fact that I wanted my 3-year-old to watch me, learn to cherish her environment within limits, and pass it on? This, after all, is Sustainable Development.

After that event and several other trainings sessions with schools in the months leading to my one year anniversary with SustyVibes, I have seen the hope teaching the SDGs bring to little ones, the excitement with which they discuss them and the positive behaviours they’re imbibing and there are no more questions, just a desire to do so much more with the support of the red-haired lady and an amazing team. I’m really honored to be part of the movement that’s catching them young and teaching them to grow into globally responsible citizens whether it is in waste management, energy, women empowerment etc.

I’m not sure I thought I could be here, especially in one year, but that’s why it’s great to be part of a good team that grows your network, knowledge, influence etc, and perhaps you should too… after all, we’re old young cool kids!